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As Christmas approaches, it’s important that we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ.

To help you and your family in this Advent Season, EWTN and its news affiliates would like to give you a free devotional called, “Reasons for Hope”.

Focus on Christ this Christmas

with a free Advent devotional

Each Sunday of Advent, read a short devotional on topics like joy, hope, and eternal life, and read scripture that will enrich your faith. You'll also receive reflection questions and a short prayer to prepare your heart for Christmas. 

This Advent season, spend time focusing your attention on the newborn King, born of the Blessed Virgin, and sent by God to suffer and die for our sins. Use this free Advent devotional to keep you focused on Christ throughout December.

It’s yours to read and share with others, and grow in your Catholic faith during Advent, courtesy of EWTN Global Catholic Network.

Just let us know where to send your devotional!

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